Select Century

Thu Jan 26 1933

The Chinese Communist Party issues the January Directive

The Chinese Communist Party issues a directive to the Manchurian Provincial Committee. This directive is commonly known as the January Directive

Feb 1933

Korean Communists from Japan enter Korea but are arrested

Communists from Japan, after the dissolution of the Japanese Bureau of the Korean Communist Party, enters Korea in an effort to reestablish the Communist Party but its leader Kim Tu-jong and some 45 communists are arrested.

Apr 1933

Kim Il-sung creates People's Revolutionary Governments

Kim Il-sung creates People’s Revolutionary Governments in guerilla districts.

Aug 1933

First Army of the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army is established under the Chinese Communists

The First Army of the Northeast People’s Revolutionary Army is established under the Chinese Communists in Panshih Province in which many Koreans participate.