Select Century

Jan 1930

Han Pin and Li Ch-un-san are sent to the Chinese Communist Party by the Comintern to discuss a possible alliance between Koreans and Chinese communists

Han Pin and Li Ch-un-san are dispatched to the Chinese Communist Party by the Comintern to discuss possible Chinese assistance and a coalition of the Koreans with the Chinese Communist movement.

Jan 1930

Ho Hon and other members of the Shinkan-hoe are arrested on conspiracy to incite riots

Ho Hon and other leading Communist members of the Shinkan-hoe are all arrested in Korea on conspiracy to incite riots.

Mar 1930

Han Pin, Li Ch-un-san, and Su Wen travel to Harbin to arrange a coalition between Korean and Chinese communists

Han Pin, Li Ch-un-san, and Su Wen, a member of the Executive Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, travel to Harbin to arrange a coalition of Korean communists with the Manchurian Provincial Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.

Fri May 30 1930

The May 30th Incident

Korean Communists stage a massive and successful riot in several towns in Chientao. This incident is known as the May 30th Incident

Sat Aug 30 1930

The Seoul-Shanghai faction in Manchuria dissolve in favor of joining the Chinese Communists

The Seoul-Shanghai faction in Manchuria declares its dissolution in favor of joining the Chinese Communists

Thu Dec 25 1930

The Comintern entrusts the task of reestablishing the KCP to the Manchurian Provincial Committee of the CCP

Kang Chin, a member of the Manchurian bureau of the M.L group, called an emergency meeting to convey a message from the Manchurian Provincial Committee of the CCP.

Kang reported that in 1930, the Comintern entrusted the task of reestablishing the KCP to the Manchurian Provincial Committee of the CCP and had ordered the dissolution of the KCPRPA (Korean Communist Party Reestablishment Preparation Association).