Select Century

Mon Jan 10 1921

Yi Tong-hwi's party in Shanghai is renamed to Koryo Kongsan-tang

Yi Tong-hwi’s party (the old Korean Socialist Party) in Shanghai is renamed to Koryo Kongsan-tang (Korean Communist Party).

Mon Jan 24 1921

Yi Tong-hwi resigns from his post as Prime Minister of the Korean Provisional Govt

Yi Tong-hwi resigns from his post as Prime Minister of the Korean Provisional Govt

Thu Apr 21 1921

The Kommunisticheskii Universitet Trudiashchikhsia Vostoka, a revolutionary training school, is established.

The Kommunisticheskii Universitet Trudiashchikhsia Vostoka (the Communist University of the Toilers of the East), a revolutionary training school, is established. Acronym: KUTV.

Tue May 10 1921

The people's representative congress of the Korean Provisional Govt is held

The people’s representative congress of the Korean Provisional Govt was held and the Congress condemned the Communist Party

Wed Jun 22 1921

The Third Congress of the Comintern is held

The Third Congress of the Comintern is held, from June 22, 1921 to July 21, 1921. The Shanghai group represented the Koreans

Sun Jun 26 1921

Thee Alexeyevsk Incident, also known as the "Free City Incident"

The Alexeyevsk Incident, also known as the “Free City Incident.” The forces of the KRMGC, led by Choe Koryo, surround the barracks of the Volunteer Army demanding that it join the KRMGC or be disbanded. The Volunteer Army is defeated and taken prisoner. This battle was over the hegemony of the korean communist movement.

Wed Jun 29 1921

Choe Chang-sik announces a 4-point temporary platform at the founding congress of the joined Korean parties

Choe Chang-sik announces a 4-point temporary platform at the founding congress and restricted membership to those who were aged 30 or under. This group was primarily funded by the Irkutsk group.

Mon Sep 12 1921

Anarchist group Uiyeoldan bombs Governor General Saito's office in Seoul

Kim Ik-sang, a member of Uiyeoldan (의열단), threw a bomb into the Government-General Building, targeting Governor General Saito Makoto’s office in Seoul on September 12, 1921. Part of the building was destroyed by the explosion.

Sat Nov 12 1921

The Washington Naval Conference is held

The Washington Naval Conference is held from November 12, 1921 until February 6, 1922. It was attended by 9 nations: the United States, Japan, China, France, Britain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Portugal.

During this conference, the Four-Powers Treaty was signed between the United States, Great Britain, France, and Japan.

Tue Nov 15 1921

The Comintern issues a statement regarding the Alexeyevsk Incident

A three-man investigation committee of the Comintern issued a statement regarding the June 26th event between the Shanghai and Irkutsk factions.

Tue Dec 13 1921

The Four-Powers Treaty is signed

The Four-Power Treaty of 1921 was signed on December 13, 1921 during the Washington Naval Conference between United States, Great Britain, France, and Japan.

This treaty said that all four powers would respect each other’s territories in the Pacific. For Koreans, this meant that Korea had been abandoned by western powers, left to be consumed by Imperial Japan.