About This Site

This website has been created to present to the general public the history of the Korean communist movement because I noticed that many people raised in the west believe that communism in Korea was something that emerged in the 1940s with Kim Il-sung, when really it had existed for at least 20 decades prior.

It is an ongoing personal project of mine, originally inspired when researching my own family history. Information will be added or amended as I learn more about Korean history.

I have done my best to provide citations when available, using the sources I have listed in the Sources page.

Much of the information regarding the early history of the Korean communist movement is taken from two textbooks: Communism in Korea by Robert A. Scalapino and Chong-sik Lee, and The Korean Communist Movement 1918–1948 by Dae-sook Suh.

I highly recommend Communism in Korea by Robert A. Scalapino and Chong-sik Lee for anyone interested in history.

Effort has been made to cross-reference dates and events to ensure accuracy as much as possible.

My hope is that visitors of this site leave with a better understanding of modern Korean history, and perhaps a renewed understanding of communism.