Kim Won-bong (김원봉)

Leader of the Uiyeoldan, korean anti-japanese anarchist group

Late General Kim Won-bong (1898-1958).

In 1932, Kim Won-bong (김원봉) was training communist-oriented agents in Nanking. By 1935, Kim had succeeded in establishing the Korean National Revolutionary Party (KNRP) in Nanking, which united most of the Korean revolutionaries active in China at that time.

His uncle was Kim Tu-bong

Source: Korean Communists and Yenan by Chong-Sik Lee

Kim Won-bong returned to Seoul in 1945 but he could not stomach the Pro-Japanese traitors being protected and coddled by the Americans and moved to Pyongyang a few months later. In 1958, he was purged by Kim Il-sung.